
Beauty by AnneCarol is a personal blog, and all opinions, posts, and videos that are on here are 100% my own and ORIGINAL. Any review I do on a product will be my raw opinion and first impression. I will never give my opinions to a product that aren’t completely honest. My personal writings and opinions are in no way my intentions to defame, purge, or shame anyone as a result of them reading my material. *My videos that I record and upload to my Youtube channel and to Beauty by AnneCarol are 100% my own, and have nor will ever take anyone else’s ideas. Therefore I don’t expect anyone else to take my own work.* Any comments that will be found here on Beauty by AnneCarol are entirely that person’s responsibility. Therefore, as the owner/author of this blog, it is not my responsibility to edit any comments left on this site by others. I am also not claiming that I am a professional, I am just a girl who has a healthy obsession with all things beauty, and loves to share my beauty tips with everyone. Should you the reader find any of my content harmful or unnecessary, please contact me via email. You can find all of my contact information in the “contact” page on Beauty by AnneCarol. 

Thank you for all of your support, it means the world! *xo

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