I'm AnneCarol and welcome to my beauty blog! I am a 22 year old with a slight obsession with all things beauty, fashion, and anything that involves using my creativity. I live in Panama City Beach, Florida, but I am currently a senior in college in the small town of Troy, Alabama. It all started when I was little; I have always been fascinated by the transformation one makes with application of makeup. I would toss away any toy as a child, for a chance to play in my mother’s makeup drawer. I could spend hours of applying creams, eye shadow, and lipstick on myself. 

I created this blog and my YouTube channel so that I could share all of my tips and tutorials with the world, but most importantly to inspire people. It is so rewarding when people come to me telling me that they have been inspired by me and that they have learned something new. I have always been asked to do people's makeup and what I use and how I do it, so what better way than to put it all in writing and videos so that everyone can enjoy it and learn something. So what will you expect to see on my blog? A lot of makeup tutorials, my reviews on products, makeup breakdown on certain looks, fashion videos + outfits of the day/night, and a little chit chat. :) I hope you all enjoy, and thanks for stopping by! xo
"Small town girl, with big city dreams" ♥

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